International Imam Khomeini Award unveiled in Malaysia

International Imam Khomeini Award unveiled in Malaysia

An International Award has been unveiled in the presence of Hojjat al-Islam Dr. Ali Komsari, the head of institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini in the Malaysia capital Kuala Lumpur.

The global award that will be awarded every two years to outstanding researchers who have conducted significant and outstanding works in both the theoretical and practical fields regarding dynamic ideals and lofty thoughts of the founder of the Islamic Republic. 

The speakers at the conference honored memory of Imam Khomeini by highlighting pivotal and unifying role of the founder of the Islamic Republic in awakening, the formation of the resistance front across the Muslim world.

 They emphasized Imam’s distinguishing characteristics and quality by saying that Imam was blessed with this unprecedented personality and turned into a practical model for Muslim Ummah and the oppressed nations of the entire world.

 By following footsteps of Imam, the people and nations in current century can stand with one heart and one voice against the Western double approach and standards of the West and by refuting their hypocritical plots.

In light of Imam’s guidance, no way is left for the world except other than to accept and strive for the complete liberation of Palestine.

Also, in this summit, by referring to phrases from the recent letter of the Leader to the European and American youth of Europe, emphasized the necessity of awakening and practical action of the Islamic world in defense of Palestinian nation.








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