Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tells regional countries not to forge ties with Israel in false hope of ensured security

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tells regional countries not to forge ties with Israel in false ...

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has expressed regret over the move by certain regional countries to forge ties with Israel in hope of guaranteeing their security, saying the "criminal" Tel Aviv regime is the source of insecurity and instability in the Middle East.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 07:39

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Conference of "Imam Khomeini, the Palestine and the Middle East"

Conference of "Imam Khomeini, the Palestine and the Middle East"

Place of Conference: Tehran, the Freedom hotel's hall of the conferences Time of Conference: Khordad 13th 1384AHS Administrator: The foreign headquarters of the commemoration ceremonies of Imam khomeini Secretary of the Conference: Dr. Mohammad Moghadam (the head of the foreign headquarters of the commemoration ceremonies regarding Imam Khomeini, the deputy to the foreign affairs of the institute for the ordering and the publishing of Imam Khomeini’s works) Inaugural speaker: Ayatollah Seyyed Hasan Khomeini (the custodian of Imam Khomeini’s shrine and the institute for the ordering and the publishing of Imam Khomeini's works) The closing speaker: Mrs. Dr. Mostafavee, the secretary of the international union of the non-governmental organizations regarding the defense of the Palestine

Friday, November 20, 2020 09:20

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Leader says Muslim nations never to accept ‘humiliation of compromising’ with Israel

Leader says Muslim nations never to accept ‘humiliation of compromising’ with Israel

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has once again blasted recent normalization deals between a few Arab states and Israel, saying Muslim nations will never accept the humiliation of compromising with the Zionist regime.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 01:57

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Iranian Envoy to UN says US pressure campaign against Iran ‘example of state terrorism

Iranian Envoy to UN says US pressure campaign against Iran ‘example of state terrorism

The Iranian envoy to the United Nations (UN) has lambasted the so-called US maximum pressure campaign against the Islamic Republic as an “example of state terrorism” aimed at creating suffering and social unrest in the country.

Friday, October 09, 2020 11:05

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President Rouhani says next US administration will have no choice but to surrender to Iranian nation

President Rouhani says next US administration will have no choice but to surrender to Iranian ...

President Hassan Rouhani reasserts Iran’s determination to hold onto its independence and domestic freedom under whatever circumstances, expressing confidence that the next administration in Washington will inevitably surrender to the Iranian nation’s resilience.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 08:08

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Leader says sacred defense proved invading Iran very costly

Leader says sacred defense proved invading Iran very costly

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran's decisively victorious defense against foreign-backed forces of Iraq’s former dictator Saddam Hussein proved that invading the country is a “very costly” undertaking.

Monday, September 21, 2020 10:46

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Iran complains to UN over Trump’s military threat, stresses right to self-defense

Iran complains to UN over Trump’s military threat, stresses right to self-defense

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations has complained to the world body over US President Donald Trump’s threat to use force against the country, warning that the Islamic Republic will not hesitate to exercise its right to self-defense in the face of any American military adventurism.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 09:26

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