Imam Khomeini sought dignity of epic Iranian nation, corrected singer

A memoirs by religious and national singer Sadegh Ahangran

ID: 67348 | Date: 2020/12/23
It has been reported that once Imam listened to a national song by Sadegh Ahangran, a famous figure who used to inspire the soldiers by religious and national music compositions during the tough days of the Imposed war by the West-backed Ba’athi regime against Iran.


In one of the pharases, the singer said, o, dear soldiers and volunteers recapture and reclaim your lands which were occupied by the then Iraqi dictator Saddam regime forces in early days of war. The singer goes on saying what happened to and kept telling as it was a story of misery.

At this Imam became upset as he believed that Iranian nation are hero and they created epic during the imposed war and it was a story of success, dignity and sacrifices. Imam sent a message of correction for the singer.


(A memoirs by religious and national singer Sadegh Ahangran)