Equipping the Libraries and Cultural Scientific Centers with Imam Khomeini's Works

The International Affair Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works has been attempting to equip the libraries and the cultural scientific centers with Imam Khomeini's works and the institute's declarations.

ID: 31581 | Date: 2012/07/23
The International Affair Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works regarding the expansion of its academic and cultural relations with the foreign Islamic, cultural and scientific centers, popularization of Imam Khomeini's thoughts and the clarification of Islamic values has been attempting to equip the libraries and the cultural scientific centers with Imam Khomeini's works and the institute's declarations. To fulfill the program of supporting the scientific projects related to Imam Khomeini's thoughts and Islamic revolution, and in order to provide the students and researchers with first-hand sources, this department has obtained a comprehensive list of Islamic centers, the world's most popular libraries, names of students and foreigners interested in Imam Khomeini's works. It also delivers new-published works of itself to its audience in various regions of the world.

It is worth mentioning that this process is partly done with the cooperation of some of the following related organizations.

  • Organization of Culture and Islamic Relations,

  • The General Office of  Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

  • The Ahl ul-Bayt World Assembly,

  • The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic School of Thought,

  • IRIB International departments,

  • The International Institute of Al-Huda,

  • The International Mustafa University and the Cultural Institute of the Eastern Thought and the International Organization of Ibn-Sina.

It is worth noting that most of Imam Khomeini's works have been translated to more than 23 living languages of the world. It is obvious that according to the readers' need and demand in each country, Imam's works are distributed among the related representatives located there.  

The latest activities of this institute were equipping Romanian libraries with the cooperation of the International Institute of Al-Huda and the library of the cultural center of Bosnia through Ibn Sina library.