what are the practical ways to reach the unity among the Islamic sects and group especially among Sunni and Shia Muslims?

ID: 40204 | Date: 2015/07/05

Answer : in order to reach a desirable unity among the Islamic nations, there are different approaches, which we have tried to present in Imam Khomeini's words and interpretations as the following:

  1. Focus on Qur'an and the prophet's tradition (cable of Allah)

  2. Focus on the unique objective and intention (the establishment of Islam)

  3. Emphasizing and reinforcing the common points

  4. The unification on defecation of common foe

  5. Not presenting the disunity elements and forbearance on insignificant affairs

  6. Distinguishing the most important benefits of Islamic nations (in a universal dimension) and the accord of all sects on it

  7. Getting familiar with enemy's trends and tricks for creating disunity

  8. The continued relation of Islamic thinkers and friendly negotiations to remove the misconceptions

  9. Being tolerant to hear the negative votes

  10. Avoiding to despise each other's sanctimonious

  11. Avoiding defamation, falsehood and irrational bigotry

  12. Controlling people who are always the cause of disunity and separation